BRIDONA no.3 13-15th c. - 2700 Є
Basend on German statue from 1350s. There can by added pillows in the front of the knee for protection and keeping position of the legs. It could be finished with wool, velvet or leather.

WAR SADDLE 14th c. - 3600 Є
Reconstruction basen on the "Queste del Saint Graal" / Tristan de Léonois. 1380-85.

PRAHA SADDLE 14th c.- 4200 Є
Based on statue of Saint George, Prague Castle - 1373. Sculpture made by Transylvanian sculptors Martin and George of Kolozsvár.
WIELUN SADDLE 14th c.-3400 Є
Based on preserved wooden and leather patrs from the late 14th century. Because the construction is extremely small, it is recommended for very short horses and light riders. You can read about this saddle here: https://renaissancehorse.blogspot.com/2020/11/saddle-from-wielun.html
LIGHT SADDLE 13-14th c. - 2700 Є
Based on 'The Romance of Alexander' (1338-44). It is quite poplular type of lighter saddle before 1400.

CRADLE SADDLE 6-13th c. - 2700 Є
Very popular type of lighter saddle of early medieval period. The saddle consists of wooden saddle tree with the woolen pillow on the top and fabric linen overlay.

LATIVA SADDLE 11-12th c. - 2700 Є
Based the saddle arc discovered on Lativa and iconography. The saddle consists of wooden saddle tree with the woolen pillow on the top and fabric linen overlay.

SCHLESWIG SADDLE 12-13th c.- 2700 Є
Based on oryinal discovered in Schleswig. Textile covering is based on depiction form 'Winchester Bible' 1160-80.
KAROS SADDLE 10th c. - 4300 Є
Based on artefact saddle parts discovered on Hungary - Karos, which was decorated with bronze and repoussed tinned fittings.

TATAR SADDLE 13-14th c. - 2500 Є
An attempt to reconstruct a Tatar saddle.

HUNNIC SADDLE 5th c. - 2600 Є
An attempt to reconstruct a Hunnic saddle from early 5th century.
ROMAN SADDLE 1-3th c. - 2600 Є
Saddle based on modern knowledge of these saddles.
Bridona type of saddles
It is a type of saddle well described by 15th century authors such as Dom Duarte and Pietro Monte's Collectanea. The type designed for combat and tournaments, enabling the adoption of various types of seat and protecting the lower parts of the rider. The saddle is built on wide bars, which are designed to distribute the weight of the rider. On the bars there is a cushion filled with straw or fur. Such saddles do not impose a precise seat, but due to the height of the cushion and its narrow profile, they provide a very comfortable position in the 'standing' style with the legs straight down. Thanks to the extended pommel, the saddle allows you to brace yourself well and feel safe.
Although I have not found any of the preserved originals with pillows attached to the bottom of the saddle, I recommend using them for the sake of the horse and I attach them to every saddle of this kind.
Other types of saddles
At the customer's request we send the saddle tree to check the fit to the horse's back.
The tree is also prepared to ride and after checking and accepting everything the saddle is finished.
BRIDONA no.1 13-14th c. - 2800 Є
There can by added pillows in the front of the knee for protection and keeping position of the legs. It could be finished with wool, velvet or leather.
BRIDONA no.2 14th c.- 4600 Є
Basend on Statue of Cangrande della Scala 1340s. Front and back pommel carved in wood and painted.